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<CreateOrganization /> component

Organization Switcher Example

The <CreateOrganization /> component is used to render an organization creation UI that allows users to create brand new organizations within your application.


All props are optional.

appearanceAppearance | undefinedOptional object to style your components. Will only affect Clerk Components and not Account Portal pages.
afterCreateOrganizationUrlstringFull URL or path to navigate to after creating a new organization.
routing'hash' | 'path' | 'virtual'The routing strategy for your pages.
Defaults to 'path' in Next.js and Remix applications. Defaults to hash for all other SDK's.
pathstringThe path where the component is mounted on when routing is set to path. It is ignored in hash- and virtual-based routing.
For example: /create-organization.
skipInvitationScreenbooleanHides the screen for sending invitations after an organization is created. When left undefined, Clerk will automatically hide the screen if the number of max allowed members is equal to 1

Usage with frameworks

The following example includes a basic implementation of the <CreateOrganization /> component. You can use this as a starting point for your own implementation.

import { CreateOrganization } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default function CreateOrganizationPage() { return <CreateOrganization path="/create-organization" />; }
import { CreateOrganization } from "@clerk/nextjs"; export default function CreateOrganizationPage() { return ( <CreateOrganization path="/create-organization" /> ) }

Usage with JavaScript

The following methods available on an instance of the Clerk class are used to render and control the <CreateOrganization /> component:

The following examples assume that you have followed the quickstart in order to add Clerk to your JavaScript application.


Render the <CreateOrganization /> component to an HTML <div> element.

function mountCreateOrganization(node: HTMLDivElement, props?: CreateOrganizationProps): void;

mountCreateOrganization() params

nodeHTMLDivElement(opens in a new tab)The <div> element used to render in the <CreateOrganization /> component
props?CreateOrganizationPropsThe properties to pass to the <CreateOrganization /> component

mountCreateOrganization() usage

import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js'; // Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key const clerk = new Clerk('{{pub_key}}'); await clerk.load(); document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <div id="create-organization"></div> `; const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById("create-organization"); clerk.mountCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv);
<!-- Add a <div id="create-organization"> element to your HTML --> <div id="create-organization"></div> <!-- Initialize Clerk with your Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL --> <script async crossorigin="anonymous" data-clerk-publishable-key="{{pub_key}}" src="https://{{fapi_url}}/npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> window.addEventListener("load", async function () { await Clerk.load(); const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById("create-organization"); Clerk.mountCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); }); </script>


Unmount and run cleanup on an existing <CreateOrganization /> component instance.

function unmountCreateOrganization(node: HTMLDivElement): void;

unmountCreateOrganization() params

nodeHTMLDivElement(opens in a new tab)The container <div> element with a rendered <CreateOrganization /> component instance

unmountCreateOrganization() usage

import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js'; // Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key const clerk = new Clerk('{{pub_key}}'); await clerk.load(); document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = ` <div id="create-organization"></div> ` const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById('create-organization'); clerk.mountCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); // ... clerk.unmountCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv);
<!-- Add a <div id="create-organization"> element to your HTML --> <div id="create-organization"></div> <!-- Initialize Clerk with your Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL --> <script async crossorigin="anonymous" data-clerk-publishable-key="{{pub_key}}" src="https://{{fapi_url}}/npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> window.addEventListener("load", async function () { await Clerk.load(); const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById('create-organization'); Clerk.mountCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); // ... Clerk.unmountCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); }); </script>


Opens the <CreateOrganization /> component as an overlay at the root of your HTML body element.

function openCreateOrganization(props?: CreateOrganizationProps): void;

openCreateOrganization() params

props?CreateOrganizationPropsThe properties to pass to the <CreateOrganization /> component

openCreateOrganization() usage

import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js'; // Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key const clerk = new Clerk('{{pub_key}}'); await clerk.load(); document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = ` <div id="create-organization"></div> ` const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById('create-organization'); clerk.openCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv);
<!-- Add a <div id="create-organization"> element to your HTML --> <div id="create-organization"></div> <!-- Initialize Clerk with your Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL --> <script async crossorigin="anonymous" data-clerk-publishable-key="{{pub_key}}" src="https://{{fapi_url}}/npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> window.addEventListener("load", async function () { await Clerk.load(); const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById('create-organization'); Clerk.openCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); }); </script>


Closes the organization profile overlay.

function closeCreateOrganization(): void;

closeCreateOrganization() usage

import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js'; // Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key const clerk = new Clerk('{{pub_key}}'); await clerk.load(); document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = ` <div id="create-organization"></div> ` const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById('create-organization'); clerk.openCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); // ... clerk.closeCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv);
<!-- Add a <div id="create-organization"> element to your HTML --> <div id="create-organization"></div> <!-- Initialize Clerk with your Clerk Publishable key and Frontend API URL --> <script async crossorigin="anonymous" data-clerk-publishable-key="{{pub_key}}" src="https://{{fapi_url}}/npm/@clerk/clerk-js@latest/dist/clerk.browser.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script> window.addEventListener("load", async function () { await Clerk.load(); const createOrgDiv = document.getElementById('create-organization'); Clerk.openCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); // ... Clerk.closeCreateOrganization(createOrgDiv); }); </script>


To learn about how to customize Clerk components, see the customization documentation.

Last updated on April 24, 2024

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