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<RedirectToSignIn />

The <RedirectToSignIn /> component will navigate to the sign in URL which has been configured in your application instance. The behavior will be just like a server-side (3xx) redirect, and will override the current location in the history stack.


import { ClerkProvider, SignedIn, SignedOut, RedirectToSignIn, } from "@clerk/nextjs"; import { AppProps } from "next/app"; function MyApp({ Component, pageProps } : AppProps) { return ( <ClerkProvider {...pageProps}> <SignedIn> <Component {...pageProps} /> </SignedIn> <SignedOut> <RedirectToSignIn /> </SignedOut> </ClerkProvider> ); } export default MyApp;


signInFallbackRedirectUrl?stringThe fallback URL to redirect to after the user signs in, if there's no redirect_url in the path already. Defaults to /. It's recommended to use the environment variable instead.
signInForceRedirectUrl?stringIf provided, this URL will always be redirected to after the user signs in. It's recommended to use the environment variable instead.
initialValuesSignInInitialValuesThe values used to prefill the sign-in fields with.

Last updated on April 22, 2024

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