Changelog July 8, 2022


Next.js 12.2, Emails with high deliverability, Sign in with Line, Odds and ends.

Next.js 12.2

We've upgraded our @clerk/nextjs package to support Next.js 12.2, Make sure you're on version 3.7.1 or greater.

Thanks to the contributors: Peter Perlepes

Emails w/ High Deliverability

We're testing out a new email flow. Our core verification emails are sent through Sendgrid, from your domain. Even though we follow all of the best practices, there are a few things we can't account for that still causes some verification/sign-in emails to go to spam.

For people having trouble, this new email flow should solve your problems:

  • Emails are sent from Postmark.
  • Emails are sent from
  • Will only send OTP verifications, since these have historically had less deliverability issues.

If you're having issues, send us an email at to enable.

Thanks to the contributors: Agis Anastasopoulos

Sign in with Line

Allow your users to sign in via Line

Thanks to the contributors: Haris Chaniotakis

Backend API updates

  • Custom Session Token - Clerk automatically keeps session tokens alive, now you can customize what data goes into these tokens. Previously, this was only possible by creating a custom JWT template, and sending it to your backend manually.
  • Filter invitations by status

Thanks to the contributors: Giannis Katsanos, Agis Anastasopoulos